This American Life
The Java Posse
NPR's Planet Money
More recently I got an Audible subscription and really enjoyed these books
The 7 habits of highly effective people, by Stephen R. Covey
This should be a mandatory book in high school. Even if you think you're socially skilled, this book will show you whole new dimensions of listening to people and taking a constructive approach in communication. It's actually this title that inspired me to name my new startup

This is a very inspiring story with loads of cool anecdotes. You get a peek inside Google when it was booming. It shows that by taking an overdose of ambition, you can look from a different angle at problems then most people do. The ambition that sparks out of the book works really contagious. It made me believe I could actually start a booming business of my own :)
The lean startup, by Eric Ries
A classic by now and a must read for everyone that thinks of founding a startup. After the inspiring 'In the plex' that made me dream, this was the perfect counterweight that put my feet back on the ground. It explains that most startups fail and provides a very practical approach to maximizing chances of success.
Getting things done, by David Allen
Confession: For this book I actually read the paper version. After my studies, this is one of the only books I've managed to read completely since then. And that's intended as a complement to the book :) It's a practical guide on how typical knowledge workers can reduce stress and get more done. This book is related to the concept of inbox zero. If you are struggling with your inbox, go and read or listen to this book.
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