For the sake of the discussion, let's zoom in on the part where we see different things :-) I understand your point of view as focussed on the modelling side. Then you see some vendors that can take a BPMN model, add details (be it visible in the diagram or just properties) and then this model becomes executable:
"I doubt the general feasibility of this approach.
BPMN is just the model, the activity flow in abstract sense. The implementation properties of each activity, event, or gateway are layered on by developers. Not in code, but using the visual tools even those guys like to use. And not stored in BPMN attributes, but in the tool-specific metadata that drives the executable language.
First, this implies that at least some visual model constructs that can be used during analysis have a runtime meaning. There are different kind of analysts. Some have a tech background and they know that this process is going to be executed on a computer system. Some don't. Analysing a business process, means trying to understand the business problem and describing that. The analyst might use all the BPMN constructs for that not knowing what that these have a runtime meaning on a computer system. An executable model is software that is to be run on one system. I think that in general, there always needs to be a human translation from the analysis model to the executable model, even if both the analysis model and the executable model can be expressed in BPMN.
With jPDL, we have focussed on modelling freedom, which means that the executable process diagram should look exactly like the analyst diagram. And that was not trivial. Important concepts are listeners (aka actions) so that a developer can associate callbacks on specific points in the process. Another concept is that the runtime behaviour for nodes doesn't have to come from a fixed set of process constructs. Instead, if the analyst has a really weird requirement in a specific node (aka activity), then the developer can code the runtime behaviour for that node in a plain programming language like java and hook it up in the process.
I think that an executable process language needs those kinds of features and a lot more to really keep the same diagram. I think it is often overlooked that analysis and implementation are two different things.
So the simple waterfall model of adding implementation details to an analysis model doesn't cut it for me.
The second part where the pure plays will keep having a problem with the development teams is embeddability. Instead of having a separate monolithic BPMS that has to be connected to applications, I have seen that the developer community likes it much more when the BPMS logic can be embedded into their own applications. And the BPMS database can be a set of tables right next to the application tables. That is what the operators like: Since the BPMS is part of the application, it reduces the number of systems that need to be managed and hence simplifies IT operations.
To support embeddability, BPMS vendors like us need to support all the DB's out there. Next, the application domain model needs to be coupled seamlessly with the process executions. E.g. the Order hibernate entity (or ejb), needs to be linked bidirectionally with the Order process. That is something that we can offer on a API level basis to developers.
I didn't yet see another executable process language then jPDL that can offer that level of convenience to the developers. IMO, it is not possible to get this level of convenience for developers if you start from the analysis model. Somewhere you have to turn requirements into a software design.
Without this translation idea, in all other executable BPMS systems I have seen so far, executable details ripple through in the tools offered to the analyst. And in the niche markets where those vendors are active now, a lot of analysts have some technical background. But if we want to make BPM and workflow a ubiquitous technology that is in the repertoire of every IT team, we have offer it in a way that is easily consumable for IT teams.
One last parting thought, inspired by the vendors that you reference. What do these vendors have different then what Ultimus had 5 years ago ? That was the first vendor I looked at when I started. At that time, they already had a very complete product. How come they (and so many others in that field at that time) were not able to gain any significant market share. Instead it seems like BPM vendors come and go all the time. None of those is able to get beyond a certain treshold of adoption. I think this has to do with the fact that BPMS tools sell easy to CXO's, but it is very hard to make a BPMS that is attractive to developers. IMO, it's the IT team that should select a BPMS, not management.
Thanks Bruce, with this awsome discussion, it certainly got out the best in me :-)
In response to your final comment, business and IT should work together in selecting a BPMS, since it must serve the needs of both. From your view, BPM is a developer tool, but most of the market considered BPM to be a business tool as well as a developer tool.
ReplyDeleteYou should consider publishing full posts instead of partial in your feed -- those of us with 300+ subscriptions in our reader appreciate not having to click through in order to read your post.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, the business side should be involved in the selection for as far as they are using the (modelling part of the) tool.
But the point I tried to make was that currently, BPMS vendor selection is often made by CXOs and then passed on to IT that has to work with it. I would like to see more IT teams initiate the introduction of a BPMS in an organisation. To emphasize that point I didn't make that nuance.
In that line, selecting IDS Scheer should be mostly a business decision cause it mostly will be used by business people.
I'll consider posting the full post next time. In this case that would have been better.
Sandy, I don't see my view as only "BPM is a developer tool". Instead, I think it's a technology that lets analyst and developer collaborate better. Both should be able to work in their own world and the process diagram creates a common language. I can undestand that I'm perceived the way that you reference, because I'm mostly pointing out the problem that I see as the biggest one in todays BPMSs: the developer side of things.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that BPMS software are the only purchases made inappropriately by CXOs with little regard of the actual functionality, that's a classic problem in enterprise software in general. The other major problem in enterprise software acquisition is when the IT group does it on their own with no real grasp of the business needs; I have seen this over and over again in my practice with clients.
ReplyDeleteI agree. In case of BPMSs and workflow engines, we probably should already be happy when a companies decides to *buy* a BPMS instead of trying to *build* one themselves :)
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