Monday, 7 September 2009

Upcoming Speaking Schedule

Last weeks JBossWorld was a blast. We presented the jBPM 4.1 release, which includes our web based modeller powered by Signavio. That was very well received and generated a lot of traction. And of cource, at conferences like that, it's always nice to meet the faces behind the internet names :-)

For those who have missed JBossWorld, here's our list of upcoming jBPM talks:

RivieraJUG in Nice (France) on October 2nd
"jBPM 4: What does it do and why do I need it?"

Java Developer Day in Cracow (Poland) on October 16th
Keynote: "Pimp up your domain model with jBPM"

Devoxx (Belgium)
University talk: "jBPM 4 in Action" on November 16th
Conference session: "jBPM 4 in Action" on November 18th

Don't miss these events if you're in the neighbourhood. If you know any other jBPM related talks, please add them as a comment.


  1. Hi Tom!

    So what about the slides of your talk??


  2. Hi,

    I am a new jbmp friend. I have a question about jdpl. Does this new version include the jdlp process languaje? I supose i have not to download the jdpl 3.3.1 implementation ?


  3. Hi Tom, Looking forward to see you in Egyptian JUG :-) I sent you email about this subject.

