Monday, 2 May 2011

Alfresco's Activiti 5.5 Released

Activiti is a superdelux BPMN 2.0 based process engine. 5.5 is again packed with a lot of new goodies:
  • Added CDI support (Congrats to Camunda for this contribution!)
  • Added dynamic sub task capabilities
  • Added support for event/activity streams
  • Tiese Barrell added support for default value for CustomServiceTask fields in the eclipse process designer
  • Simplified persistence
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
Download Activiti 5.5 and find out how much more you can do with BPM power.


  1. It seems that activiti-cdi module is missing from your maven repo and from your downloadable distribution.

  2. Congratulations, great work.

  3. activiti-cdi is missing from alfresco maven repo
