Tuesday, 11 August 2009

jBPM Conquers The White House?

Eric Schabell wrote an article Full Scale Straight Through Processing with BPM, explaining how jBPM was used in a Financial Institution. The article got accepted into the 2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.

And now the good part comes. Eric writes:
As the focus of this book was BPM in government, the publisher has sent a copy to the President of the United States with a personal cover letter.
Awsome !

We can already imagine the next conversation between President Obama and Tim Geithner, the Treasury Secretary:


  1. As we just use JBPM into some financial Italy governament agency, we'll try to propose it to Mr. Berlusconi :-)


  2. Marco,
    Great to hear that!
    Would you care to add one or two lines about how you put jBPM to use for the Italian government agency in the references page ?


    That would help us a lot. Thanks in advance.

  3. 3
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